Nokia has launched the N78 mobile phone in India. The phone comes with a “Location Tagger” application which automatically tags the photos according to location data. It allows users to save the photos by date as well as by geographical coordinates.
It is the slimmest of the NSeries devices with a 2.4 inch screen, 3.5 MP camera, high speed connectivity via WLAN and HSPDA 3.5G. It will enable users to take full advantages of Nokia services such as Nokia Maps and the A-GPS. It will come preloaded with Nokia Maps of 8 cities across the country with points of interest such as bars, cafes, hotels and restaurants. A 3 month integrated navigation license also comes with the device.

It will also come with widgets enabled by Web Runtime Technology enabling users to quickly and easily access there favourite web content. It supports micro SD cards up-to 8 GB and is available for Rs 19,999.