Samsung has unveiled a new mobile Guru200 targeting the entry level segment in India. Features includes Stereo FM radio with 5 minutes recording capability, pre-loaded cricket and soduko java games, Hinglish data base, it also features a trendy money saving “Call Time Limit” feature which allows users to limit their hours spent on calls.
Full features list:

104 x 44.5 x 16 mm (size)
65K colors display1.52 inches, 128 x 128 pixels display
Polyphonic,MP3 ringtonesMP3 player
FM Radio, and recording capability
Cricket and Sudoku Java games
Mobile tracker and Emergency SMS
featureIndian Calendar, featuring local holidaysHinglish database
9 hours talk timeAffordable price
Call Time Limit

While launching Guru200 Sunil Dutt, the Country Head, Samsung Telecommunications India said, “Guru 200 offers a strong value proposition to consumers at the entry level mobile phone segment. True to our ‘Next is What’ Campaign, this one offers FM recording as the ‘Next’ key feature in its latest Guru series of handsets.”
The Samsung Guru200 is available at a price tag of Rs 2,999/-