HP has also revealed its Mini-Note micro notebooks after the ASUS successful Eee PC. Micro notebooks is a new craze among the notebook makers and the consumers, and its not too far when you will be able to see feature rich compact notebooks with crazy price tag that’s hard to resist. HP has already entered into this segment with its low cost Mini-Notebook range of micro notebooks. The design of HP notebooks are better than the its ASUS and Everex counterparts and is built out of aluminum with a spill-resistant key layout. Here is the table of the various HP Mini-Note notebooks features and pricing details. HP 2133 Mini-Note Laptop has great hardware at good price, Even the 8.9-inch display, with a 1280 x 768-pixel resolution, features a glossy coating similar to premium HP screens. However, in keeping with what we have seen from the other small systems, the Mini-Note has an awkward touchpad with horizontally placed touch buttons(to cut on laptop width).