5 Steps to Take When Your Phone Drops Into Water
Accidents happen. If you’re ever in a situation where your phone is giving you problems because you got caught in the rain, or dropped it in the sink or toilet, here are 5 steps you can try:
*Turn the device off and do not charge it - You want to keep the phone non-operational while it dries out.
*Drip dry and shake off as much water as possible
*Dismantle whatever you can - If you are able to remove the battery and cover, do so. The more you expose the better it will dry.
*Cover your phone in a bowl of rice - Rice will help absorb moisture (at least it did for this Washington Post writer) like how it does in salt shakers.
*Place your phone (inside the bowl of rice) in the fridge - This will help the drying process (but don’t put it in the freezer where it may damage your phone).
*All in all, the idea here is to get it as dry as as possible - in as quick a time as possible. You’d be surprised how many phones spring back to life once they are dried out. Speaking from experience, I once completely submerged my trusty old Nokia 3315 several times during a camping trip (I forgot it was in my pocket). I just dried it out, and it was just as good as new :)
Note: Fans and hair dryers are not a good ideas as they tend to force moisture further into the small components deep inside the phone eventually causing corrosion.
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